It is estimated that around 15-20% of the population has dyslexia, making it one of the most common learning disabilities. Students with dyslexia often struggle with reading fluency, spelling, and writing, which can result in low self-esteem and academic challenges. However, there are resources available to help students with dyslexia succeed in school.
One of the biggest struggles for parents of students with dyslexia is understanding the science behind this learning disability and how to access appropriate resources and support.
Interesting Fact: According to NIH research, about 80% of students with learning disabilities who are placed in special education have dyslexia.
Schools May Not Have the Resources
Many schools do not have the resources or training to adequately support students with dyslexia, leaving them to navigate their learning challenges on their own. Still, there are several free resources available online that can help students with dyslexia improve their reading and writing skills.
These resources offer a range of support and tools for students with dyslexia to improve their reading and writing skills, build confidence, and succeed in school. By utilizing these free resources, students with dyslexia can access the support they need to thrive academically and reach their full potential.
Free Dyslexia Resources for Parents
- Bookshare (www.bookshare.org) – Bookshare is an online library that provides access to over 900,000 titles in accessible formats for individuals with print disabilities, including dyslexia.
- Learning Ally (www.learningally.org) – Learning Ally provides audiobooks and other resources to help students with dyslexia improve their reading skills.
- DyslexiaHelp – This website offers a variety of resources and tools for students, parents, and educators to better understand and support individuals with dyslexia.
- Dyslexia Resource Center (www.dyslexia.com) – This website provides information about dyslexia and offers resources for individuals with dyslexia.
- Dyslexic Advantage (www.dyslexicadvantage.org) – Dyslexic Advantage offers resources and support for individuals with dyslexia to help them succeed in school and beyond.
- Nessy is an online program that offers games and activities to help students with dyslexia improve their reading and spelling skills.
- Reading Rockets (www.readingrockets.org) – Reading Rockets offers a wealth of resources to help students with dyslexia improve their reading skills, including strategies for teaching reading and support for struggling readers.
- Understood (www.understood.org) – Understood provides resources and support for individuals with learning and attention issues, including dyslexia.
- HSLDA Struggling Learners (www.hslda.org) – The Home School Legal Defense Association offers resources and support for homeschooling families with struggling learners, including students with dyslexia.
- International Dyslexia Association (www.dyslexiaida.org) – The International Dyslexia Association offers resources, support, and advocacy for individuals with dyslexia.
These resources offer a range of support and tools for students with dyslexia to improve their reading and writing skills, build confidence, and succeed in school. By utilizing these free resources, students with dyslexia can access the support they need to thrive academically and reach their full potential.